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We’re glad you’re here! We are a loosely-knit group of volunteers with a passion for wildness. Are you ready to take the next step to help us bring wildness back to your local area and our greater vision for a wilder, more beautiful, more biologically diverse, and a more enduring Mississippi River Watershed? Learn more about Wildlife Crossings and help by submitting a Wildlife Crossing Scorecard.

About the Film

Cedar Creek

Cedar Creek is a thought-provoking 7-minute film about a small but important creek in Jefferson County, Iowa and what happened when it was altered. Written and directed by award-winning documentarian Dick DeAngelis and made possible by a Community Art Gathering grant from the BeWildReWild Fund at Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation.

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The Rewilding Map

Produced by Nitin Gadia

Just as we use maps for planning and navigation, the rewilding map is an indispensable tool for establishing wildlife cores and corridors. It reveals potentials otherwise unseen, with the areas that are most suitable for expansion and creation of core and corridor habitats. More easily than ever, people can know where to look and where they would then walk and assess the land in person.


BeWildReWild is a loosely-knit group of volunteers with a passion for wild things. It is also a special fund for the purpose of exploring three questions: What do you/we mean by wild? What lifestyle changes are needed for us to live within the bounds of sustainability? How can we create a wilder, more beautiful, more biologically diverse, and a more enduring Mississippi River Watershed?


Share the film and this website to increase awareness and discussion. If you would like to help Reconnect-Restore-Rewild the Mississippi River Watershed, please submit a request below.

©2020 Big River Connectivity