Loved your post. The essence of our exploration into “wildness” has freed myself to be open to “what presents itself”. Much like taking a walk in the woods (or field,etc.) I am learning to let go and see what opens up for my reflection or involvement. Just yesterday I was gazing out my window in the middle of the cloudy, rainy day and the sun broke through for the first time all day. My mind and internal dialogue was tided up in what I needed to do even after worrying about my procrastination all morning. My outside attention was framed on the large cottonwood tree in the window as it lit up in a golden hued light. Just then a bright flash hit the tree and a deafening clap of thunder stopped both minds. Only on reflection did it come to me that the bark was flying in all directions and I had a funny taste in my mouth. Couldn’t even think lightning did this for some time.
So, wildness is trusting what will be as trying to control the lightning seems out of the question. I am so glad you so eloquently expressed your feelings on delving into the web site and trusting that you would not be judged even though you thought differently than what you thought was the purpose of the site. We are but volunteers trying to be of service to the idea that “in wildness is the preservation of the world” and we aren’t sure what that means except sometimes lightning happens and the world feels wild.