BeWildReWild Conference, Wildlife Crossing Project Videos and BeWildReWild Short Film

The Sustainable Living Coalition had already received a Community Art Gathering Grant of $6,000 from the BeWildReWild Fund at Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation for the planning and implementation of the first BeWildReWild conference of 2020 which was to be held at the Fairfield Arts and Convention Center Sondheim Theater on Saturday, April 11. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it became obvious that this project had to change its focus. They requested a change to the grant as to have Dick DeAngelis create two videos to support the Wildlife Crossings Project and also produce a short film to support the discussion surrounding the concept of BeWildReWild.

Wildlife Crossing Project Videos and BeWildReWild Short Film

The two videos will feature Leland Searles and Mark Edwards.

1. The first video will be approximately five minutes in length and inform people about the Wildlife Crossings Project and Big River Connectivity.

2. The second shorter film (about 3 minutes) will be a “how to” for people filling out the Wildlife Crossings Scorecard.

3. The third will be a short film featuring the words of Roger Ross Gipple to support the discussion surrounding BeWildReWild. This will be an actual film with edited sound and color matching.

Roger Ross Gipple discusses the thinking behind the BeWildReWild movement.

This video was used on the main page of for a  few weeks. 

The original grant of $6000 was utilized for the production of two videos and film: $6,000An additional $2,000 was granted to cover post-production costs of to pay additional post camera person, sound and film editors: $2,000
Total:  $8,000